Prep: 15 min

Ready: 1 hour

Servings 4-6


I have been making a lot of desserts this summer due to COVID. No, this is not a baking blog, but it feels like it since the last two posts have been fruit crisp desserts. They are almost identical except for the fruit. I posted this peach crisp because it is so good. You have to try it! Having access to some awesome peaches from a local farmers’ fruit stand helps. They have some of the best peaches, and this is the beginning of the peach season. Red Haven peaches are now available so we have been taking advantage of the situation. This is our second peach crisp in a week. My diet is going to start soon. When peaches start to appear, summer is winding down. Wow! What a summer. The weather has been perfect here in Michigan, and we have spent a lot of time outside. I hate to see summer end.

I made this crisp in my favorite pan. A 10.5″ French copper Mauviel round pan. I love this pan because it is so versatile. You can use it on the stove, and then place it directly into the oven. It is the perfect size for my wife and me. I have been collecting copper cooking pans for years and love to cook with them as well as take pictures with them. Mauviel has used several of my photos on their Instagram page. Possibly one of these days they will send me a jam pan – which I want:).





• 6 peaches (peeled, pitted, and sliced)

• 1/2 tsp. almond extract

• 1/4 cup packed brown sugar

•1/2 cup white sugar

• 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

• 1/2 cup quick-cooking oats

• 1 tsp. ground cinnamon

• 1/4 tsp. salt

• 1/2 cup butter, softened




1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Wash peaches in a colander and pat dry.

3. Slice peaches place them in a greased 8”x 8”x 2” square pan.

(I have also used a 10” copper round pan, a glass square dish, and square aluminum pans – so whatever suits your fancy.)

4. Sprinkle with almond extract. Mix together the brown sugar, sugar, flour, oats, cinnamon, and salt, and butter. Sprinkle the flour mixture over the peaches.

5. Bake 45 min. until the topping is medium brown.

6. Serve immediately, or cool and cover in the fridge. I like to add a little French vanilla ice cream.



Peach Crisp

This peach crisp recipe is easy to make and delicious

  • 6
    peeled, pitted and sliced
  • ½
    almond extract
  • ¼
    brown sugar
  • ½
    white sugar
  • ½
  • ½
  • 1
  • ¼
  • ½

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

  2. Wash peaches in a colander and pat dry.

  3. Slice peaches place them in a greased 8”x 8”x 2” square pan.

    (I have also used a 10” copper round pan, a glass square dish, and square aluminum pans – so whatever suits your fancy.)

  4. Sprinkle with almond extract. Mix together the brown sugar, sugar, flour, oats, cinnamon, and salt, and butter. Sprinkle the flour mixture over the peaches.

  5. Bake 45 min. until the topping is medium brown.

  6. Serve immediately, or cool and cover in the fridge. I like to add a little French vanilla ice cream.

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